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Imagine a world where every woman has the knowledge and resources to take charge of her health. Women's Health Month is our opportunity to turn that into reality.

As May's blossoms signal rebirth and growth, so does National Women's Health Month offers an annual reminder to focus on the unique aspects of women's healthcare. It's essential for a well-rounded, healthy life. But many women struggle to prioritize their health each day between work, family, and even personal reservations about visiting the gynecologist.

At Prima Care, we want women to know how important it is to maintain good health and receive the care they deserve. Here are three health tips from our gynecology department on how to look inward and focus on your health during Women’s Health Month and all year round.

1. Keep Up With Healthy Routines

The health benefits that come along with having a steady routine are numerous, but between being a busy woman and navigating COVID-19 closures, you may have begun to struggle recently with maintaining that routine. As difficult as it may be, it’s worth it, both for your mental health and your physical health. 

Two of the most important routines for women to maintain are a steady form of exercise routine or any physical activity and a healthy sleep schedule: both of these practices can help you reduce your stress levels, manage mental health struggles, and stay at a lower risk for certain conditions that disproportionately affect women. 

2. Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health

May isn’t just Women’s Health Month. It’s also Mental Health Awareness  Month, and researchers suggest that the two may go hand in hand. Studies show the following statistics regarding women and mental health: 

  • Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression.
  • Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as well.
  • Bipolar disorder appears to be more prevalent in women.
  • Women can be affected by mental health struggles related to their periods, such as PMDD.
  • Women are more than twice as likely to develop PTSD than men.

With these risk factors in mind, the team at Prima Care strongly urges women to pay attention to their mental health. If you’re not feeling like yourself or struggling to stay in control, don’t hesitate to reach out for counseling or medical assistance. You deserve it.

3. Don’t Forget Your Regular Exams

Most women see visiting the gynecologist as a pain, an imposition, or even something to avoid -- but we cannot stress enough how important it is to receive your necessary gynecological exams on a regularly scheduled basis. 

Breast cancer screenings have been shown to reduce breast cancer-related mortality in women ages 50-69 years by up to 35%, and Pap smear testing has had a major role in reducing cervical cancer-related mortality among women. 

At Prima Care, we recommend that women 30 and older receive a Pap smear once every five years and that patients should adhere to the following guidelines for breast exams:

  • Women 20 and older should perform breast self-examinations every month.
  • Women 20 to 39 should have a clinical breast examination every three years.
  • Women 40 and over should have a screening mammogram every year, or more often for women at increased risk.
  • Women with family histories of breast cancer should ask their doctors about more frequent or earlier mammograms.

Women's Health Month isn't just about acknowledging the significance of the occasion—it's about taking concrete steps to nurture your well-being. At Prima Care, our gynecology team stands ready to support and guide you through establishing healthier routines, addressing your mental health with compassion, and keeping up with essential health screenings. 

Remember, prioritizing your health is not a luxury; it's a necessity for your quality of life. Dr. Brenda Roy and our dedicated staff are here to empower you with personalized care so that this month and every month after that, you can move forward with confidence in your health journey. Take action for your overall health today and every day—schedule your appointment with Prima Care and join the movement towards a healthier, happier you.

Take the next step towards optimal health with Prima Care. Book your appointment online now—because you deserve a lifetime of wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prioritize my own health when life gets busy?

It can be challenging to make time for yourself when life gets busy, but prioritizing your whole health is crucial. Some tips for fitting self-care into a busy schedule include setting realistic goals, delegating tasks, and making time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember that taking care of yourself will ultimately allow you to better take care of those around you.

Why is preventive care important for women's health?

Preventive care is essential for maintaining a healthy body and reducing the risk of developing health conditions. It involves regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations to identify potential health issues early on and prevent them from worsening. By prioritizing preventive care, women can promote their overall well-being and reduce the chances of developing heart disease or other serious health problems.

What services does a human services office provide?

A human services office typically provides various social and community support services, such as helping individuals and families access resources for housing, food assistance, mental health care, and other essential needs. They may also offer counseling and case management to help people navigate challenges and improve their overall well-being.

What are some recommended screening guidelines for breast exams?

Women 30 and older should receive a Pap smear once every five years, while women 20 and over should perform breast self-examinations every month. Women 40 and over should have a screening mammogram every year or more often for those at increased risk. Be sure to speak with your doctor about any concerns or family history of breast cancer.